Welcome to the home page for the lab of Andrew Su. Our group works in the field of bioinformatics, and is located at the Scripps Research Institute in sunny La Jolla, California. Please browse around the site to get an overview of our research, to meet our team members, and to read our blog.
Our Research

Our group embraces the data mining challenges that have resulted from high-throughput, multi-dimensional and multi-modal biology. We have many ongoing research projects that span multiple disease areas in collaborations with some of the world’s experts in these areas.

We have a strong interest in in making biomedical knowledge more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (F.A.I.R.). In support of this goal, we build user friendly tools, resources, and infrastructure to support the bleeding edge of biomedical research.

We harness the collective efforts of the community (both researchers and the general public) towards solving grand challenges in biology. These “community intelligence” initiatives are powerful because they scale with the explosive growth of data generation in science.

The laboratory of Dr. Andrew Su works in a highly interwoven collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Chunlei Wu. Our research is primarily funded by NIH grants to Andrew, Chunlei and to our many collaborators here at Scripps Research and at outside institutions.
What’s New
Jumpstarting Community Conversations with Outbreak.info
How Scientists are Using Data to Increase COVID-19 Testing, Vaccinations, and Health Literacy in Arkansas
Confronting COVID-19 through the News: A Journalist’s Experience with Data During the Pandemic
A young writer in Japan who has been tackling the pandemic from viewpoint of the news shares about using Outbreak.info to access vital data.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Scientists Track Variants with the Help of Outbreak.info
Through wastewater-based epidemiology, scientists track SARS-Cov-2 variants and compare to Outbreak.info data.
Who We Are

Andrew Su
Andrew is a Professor at the Scripps Research Institute in the Department of Integrative, Structural and Computational Biology. His research focuses on building and applying bioinformatics infrastructure for biomedical discovery.

Our Team
We are a motley crew joined together by a common belief in open and participatory science. Our backgrounds are diverse and we believe that these different talents and expertise build a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Our Collaborators
We collaborate with some experts across many different disciplines of research from multiple areas of disease research to machine learning and crowdsourced knowledge management.

Join us!
Are you interested in doing highly collaborative science with both experimental and computational colleagues? We are always interested in recruiting talented individuals to join our team. If you fit that description, please get in touch!