Andrew Su

Andrew Su

Andrew Su


Department of Integrative, Structural and Computational Biology
The Scripps Research Institute

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Andrew is a Professor at the Scripps Research Institute in the Department of Integrative, Structural and Computational Biology (ISCB). His research focuses on building and applying bioinformatics infrastructure for biomedical discovery. His research has a particular emphasis on leveraging crowdsourcing for genetics and genomics. Representative projects include the Gene Wiki, BioGPS, MyGene.Info, and Mark2Cure, each of which engages the crowd to help organize biomedical knowledge. These resources are collectively used millions of times every month by members of the research community, by students, and by the general public.


Ph.D., Chemistry; The Scripps Research Institute
BA, Chemistry, Computing and Information Systems, and Integrated Science; Northwestern University

Recent Posts

Soliciting abstracts for SLAS 2012

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Recent Publications











for complete publication list, see google scholar