Kevin Xin

Jiwen (Kevin) Xin
Senior Research Scientist
The Scripps Research Institute
kevinxin at scripps dot edu

Kevin was a graduate student in The Scripps Research Institute, working on project.
Interested in crowdsourcing, data mining, and web development. With his strong drive, he was quickly hired on as a staff scientist immediately upon graduation and has since been promoted to a Senior Research Scientist.
Current: Successfully defended his dissertation on 2018.09.27
Undergraduate: Fudan University.
Recent Posts
New Data Release for 201706
by Kevin Xin | Jun 20, 2017 | data release,
Another fresh data release for is out! In this data release, we have updated the data from ClinVar to their latest versions, and also added two new fields under ClinVar and ExAC to handle specific cases, including genotype set and...New Data Release 201606
by Kevin Xin | Jul 18, 2016 | data release,
Another new data release was just rolled out. Some highlights of this new release include the support of GRCh38/hg38 genome assembly, updated and additional data sources, as well as new data fields added. All changes in this data release are...New Data Release 201606
by Kevin Xin | Jul 18, 2016 | data release,
Another new data release was just rolled out. Some highlights of this new release include the support of GRCh38/hg38 genome assembly, updated and additional data sources, as well as new data fields added. All changes in this data release are...New data release out! ClinVar data structure overhauled
by Kevin Xin | Jan 6, 2016 | clinvar, data release,,
Update: On Jan. 18th, we updated ClinVar data to their latest 201501 release. Another new data release was just rolled out. ClinVar and CADD data were updated to their latest: last release new release # of variants in new release # of variants in...Recent Publications
BioThings Explorer: a query engine for a federated knowledge graph of biomedical APIs
BioThings Explorer: a query engine for a federated knowledge graph of biomedical APIs
BioThings SDK: a toolkit for building high-performance data APIs in biomedical research
Cross-linking BioThings APIs through JSON-LD to facilitate knowledge exploration
High-performance web services for querying gene and variant annotation