BioGPS is our new gene annotation portal. As mentioned previously, the unique feature of BioGPS will be its unwavering commitment to the Long Tail.
If you’re passionate about the concept of the Long Tail as I’ve grown to become, you can certainly spend long hours reading up on the subject. But on a practical level, our focus on the Long Tail means two things for users of our BioGPS gene portal.
- First, BioGPS will be completely customizable for each and every user. Other gene portals have a particular view of gene annotation, and they present data to you as if everyone shares that same view. In contrast, BioGPS understands that different people come here for different sorts of gene annotation, whether it be an emphasis on protein structure, or in vivo function, or cellular pathways. BioGPS will adapt to your needs, not vice versa.
- Second, BioGPS will be easily extensible by the community. With other gene portals, it’s pretty much a one-way street as far as information transfer. If you know something about a gene or have a new data set that you want to share with the world, in most cases, it’s pretty tough to add that data to other gene portals. BioGPS will make that process as easy as can be through a simple plugin interface.
There you go, these are the founding principles of BioGPS. We know that our BioGPS user base will be largely seeded from our SymAtlas community, so if you’re one of our loyal users we hope BioGPS offers all that and more.
Feedback is always welcome. Comment here, email me directly (asu .at- gnf .dot- org), or email the developer team (biogps .at- gnf .dot- org).
I have been trying to access the Symatlas site and even though it lists the search results, we are not able to actually see them. The message says “Access denied to one or more objects requested”. Is this because the new site is up or is there a way to see the results on the Symatlas page.
Sarika K.
Sarika, thanks for the note. We intend for BioGPS and SymAtlas to both remain open for the immediate future. (Having said that, we think BioGPS is very cool, and has some powerful new features that you should try out.) As always, feel free to report bugs at biogps -at- gnf -dot- org or symatlas -at- gnf -dot- org for either application. Cheers,
I really hope that you keep the search by expression option in the new BioGPS. It is the one important tool that has been important in Symatlas.
I am wondering if you have APIs that we can call to use the underlying data? Else whats the best way to call the data and add more to the portal?
Anonymous (Nov 23): First off, sorry for the delay in replying due to the Thanksgiving holiday. We do have an API that we use internally, and we can document and expose methods to the public as requested. Can you be more specific as to what you'd like to see? (Also, discussions along these lines might be better at our google group:
I am new to BioGPS and I am trying to use the gene expression information for my gene of interest.When I search for this particular gene, it shows me the gene expression chart/activity chart for that particular gene. But I want to know more detailed information regarding the concentrations of the stimulating agent used and duration of treatment etc for the data shown. Where can I access this data?
Thanks in advance.
Veeru Patil