Just a quick note that we discovered some access issues for some small (hopefully) percentage of users. (A problem with DNS, for the computer-inclined…) Just wanted to let people know that if you were getting a “server not found” error when viewing a gene report before, please give BioGPS another try now.
Also seems like a good time to plug our bug/suggestion/comment email address. Feel free to email biogps -at- gnf -dot- org with any issue related to BioGPS. We’re going to be acquiring BioGPS swag sometime soon for those who are the first to report a bug or who contribute a good idea we hadn’t thought of. First shipment goes out to Carmen for helping us work through the bug above — thanks!
loved symatlas so much that i wrote you guys a letter saying how much you deserved additional funding, must say that im not loving Biogps though, so many errors, cant register…etc etc. I hope to christ you get it sorted soon, our lab loves to use this utility. (mac, OX10, Firefox, IE, safari all give server errors 092308).
Anonymous, very sorry to hear that you’re having problems with BioGPS. We regularly test on all the platforms you list, and right now I’m not able to detect any errors with either displaying gene reports or with user registration. Please post more details here, or email biogps at gnf dot org, or post at http://friendfeed.com/rooms/biogps (if you happen to be a friendfeed user). Hope we can get your issues resolved ASAP