As we wind down 2008, we thought we’d end the year on a light note. I’d like to introduce you all to the new BioGPS mascots:
And as cute and adorable as these guys may be, they are so much more than mere eye candy for BioGPS fans. They also come equipped with a soft shammy t-shirt, specifically designed to clean your monitor of all that accumulated dust. [Ed note: Many people were missing this point, and it needs to be emphasized that this is a serious research tool.] Mine sits comfortably within arm’s length the corner of my monitor, so even when the science isn’t so clear, at least my computer screen is…
How do I get one of these fine BioGPS mascots, you ask? There are two standing ways to get a furry BioGPS friend. If you are the first person to report a bug or outage, or the first person to report a feature request we hadn’t previously thought of, we’ll happily send some swag your way.
In addition, from now until the end of 2008, we will send a BioGPS mascot to anyone who lets us know why they love to use BioGPS. The best responses will be collated and published on a “testimonials” page. Submit your story by emailing adminbiogps
org with “Why I use BioGPS” in the subject.
Happy holidays everyone…