This week, our featured plugin in the Spotlight series is for GoPubMed. Check out their new BioGPS plugin, and read all about this new resource below:

In one tweet (140 characters) or less, introduce us to your website.
GoPubMed is a web service for summarization and exploration of large citation collections that result from a user’s PubMed query.

Why is your database unique and special?
GoPubMed is the first publicly available web service that maps all literature citations from PubMed to the structured biomedical vocabularies Gene Ontology (GO) and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). For a result of a query to PubMed, the relevant parts of GO and MeSH are shown as well. The hierarchical structure of both vocabularies allow to navigate large result lists comparable to a hyperlinked table of contents. For example, by selecting the term fatty liver, publications discussing fatty liver, liver steatosis, but also Reye syndrome, a form of encephalopathy with fatty infiltration of the liver, are shown. Besides as a tool for navigating PubMed results, GoPubMed provides up-to-date statistics that show the general research interest, the top authors, institutions, cities, countries, and journals for each research topic covered by GO or MeSH.

Why did you create your website?
PubMed is the first address when it comes to searching for scientific publications in the biomedical domain. However, we felt that the PubMed interface is lacking many features that would ease literature search. With GoPubMed, we want to provide an alternative interface to PubMed, which makes searching PubMed citations easier and faster while providing more complete results.

Who is your target audience?
GoPubMed should be interesting to everyone who is using PubMed during their daily work, that is, people working in all kinds of fields and subfields of biomedical research.

What improvements are coming in the future?
GoPubMed is constantly being enhanced to offer more features and provide high-quality results. Features currently under development are citation alerts and saving of favorite queries for registered users.

Who is the team behind your website?
GoPubMed is developed in the Bioinformatics group of Prof. Michael Schroeder at the Technische Universität Dreden in cooperation with the spin-off company Transinsight, both located in the Biotechnology Center in Dresden, Germany.

Thanks to Conrad Plake of the Schroeder group for the insights, and be sure to check out their GoPubMed plugin in the plugin library.