This week, we profile theLINCS Information FramEwork (LIFE) “a novel knowledge-based, extensible information system of interconnected components that leverages semantic-web technologies and domain level ontologies” by a team at the Center for Computational Science at the University of Miami, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and theUniversity of Cincinnati. Caty Chung, a systems support specials kindly answered our questions.

  1. In one tweet or less, introduce us to your tool/database/website.
    LIFE (LINCS Information FramEwork) is a knowledge-based search engine for scientists to find and obtain processed information from diverse large scale biological screens and to use that data in their research projects.

  3. Why is your tool unique and special?
    LIFE combines various technologies and an expert knowledge model to distill, integrate, link, annotate and index various data types from different sources that are easily accessible via a simple user interface.

  5. Who is your target audience?
    LIFE is designed to a wide audience including biologist experts, system biologists, students, medicinal chemists, bioinformaticians, computational biologists, etc

  7. Why did you create your knowledge base?
    There is a need for better tools to search through ever increasing amounts of data in an intelligent way and to make data and knowledge useable.

  8. What is your greatest success story so far?
    We have illustrated a number of ways how data integrated via LIFE can be analyzed in a recent paper

  10. What improvements are coming in the future?
    We will add more data from numerous sources and we will integrate with various analysis and visualization tools developed at the BD2K-LINCS DCIC

  12. Who is the team behind your knowledge base?

Thanks to Caty Chung, for guiding us through their extremely useful and FREE tool. Be sure to check out their plugin in the plugin library.