Minor makeover (and Version 1.0 release!)
The BioGPS user interface has been great for users who already knew why they were there -- to see reference gene expression data, and to learn all about gene function. The interface was bare bones, concise, and without a lot of flash. But it also meant that new users...
BioGPS plugin registration is now live!
Well, truth be told, the ability for users to register their own plugins in BioGPS has been live for quite a while. The only thing holding up the official announcement has been the creation of the accompanying screencast, which thankfully is now done.But make no...
No more security warning from IE
Ed note: This is the first technical post here on the BioGPS blog. As we encounter and solve more roadblocks in our BioGPS development process, we thought we'd share them with our users and other developers. Feel free to read or ignore, depending on your interest!Up...
BioGPS's target audience
Recently, GenomeWeb did a pretty extensive write-up of BioGPS. I think it's a pretty detailed and accurate view of how BioGPS fits into the sphere of online biological resources. The only part I take a bit of issue with is the series of quotes by Larry Moran, who then...
Off to ScienceOnline09
It's been a bit of a quiet start to 2009 on the blog (while writing is happening in many forms offline), but rest assured our BioGPS development efforts are well underway. Lots of exciting new features planned, including a revamp of the plugin library user...
BioGPS swag (just in time for the holidays)
As we wind down 2008, we thought we'd end the year on a light note. I'd like to introduce you all to the new BioGPS mascots: And as cute and adorable as these...
Anyone else getting completely bogged down by a mad flurry of year-end activity? I'm very behind on blog posts at the moment, so much that we have new features and initiatives that are already implemented, just waiting for the "official announcement". Rather than wait...
BioGPS extensibility
So far, we've introduced the simple BioGPS plugin interface, and shown how this interface was used to construct an extensive plugin library. Browsing the BioGPS plugin library, you'll undoubtedly note that the vast majority of plugins we've hooked up go to established...
The BioGPS plugin library
In the last post, we described how the BioGPS plugin interface will be based on simple HTML. Before we go into exactly how this will work technically, let's first look at the power and extensibility it enables.We previously described that customizability is a primary...
Introducing the simple and unstructured BioGPS data interface
HTML.That's it, the simple HyperText Markup Language, the backbone of the Web, will be the BioGPS data exchange protocol.First, let's step back a moment. We've always had the goal of extensibility as one of the two central themes of BioGPS, since the lack of effective...