Introducing mygene R package

As we mentioned in previous post, Bioconductor has accepted mygene, the official R client, and included it in the biannual release on October 14, 2014. provides simple-to-use REST web services to query/retrieve gene annotation data. mygene is a...

What’s your type? — #GeneOTW with ABO

I know what you’re thinking.  This blog is degenerating.  Last week, we talked about semen, and this week, we’re talking about finding the one. Right?  “What’s your type?” sounds like the perfect BuzzFeed quiz for your Monday lunch break!...

Spotlight: Mutations @ A Glance

This week, we profile Mutations@A Glance an integrative web tool originally developed by Dr. Osamu Ohara’s lab, and currently maintained by Dr. Atsushi Hijikata at the Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology. Dr. Hijikata kindly answered our questions....