by ginger | Apr 25, 2016 | BioGPS, plugin, spotlight
If you haven’t heard of Bgee’s for gene expression data in animals, it’s the perfect time to check it out. Bgee’s was revamped a month ago, with the introduction of gene pages and strong improvements to its user interface. Dr. Frederic Bastian,...
by ginger | Mar 21, 2016 | BioGPS, crowdsourcing, plugin
BioGPS is gearing up for a major redesign! We’ve already started consolidating our seldom-used mailing lists and will be putting more effort to keeping our users informed of the many changes that are coming to BioGPS. To celebrate the upcoming site overhaul,...
by ginger | Sep 2, 2015 | BioGPS, plugin, spotlight
Last month, we couldn’t resist highlighting the plugin for an awesome resource which provided an excellent visualization of gene expression/distribution based on multiple data sources. As it turns out, TISSUES is just one of many inspired tools coming out of the...
by ginger | Dec 31, 2014 | BioGPS, Featured Article Series, GeneOfTheWeek, plugin, sulab
This year, BioGPS has received 40K more queries than last year, and that’s not even counting this month’s queries!* According to google scholar, the BioGPS paper has been cited 586 of which 143 were publications in 2014. Publications about the default data...
by ginger | Nov 26, 2014 | BioGPS, plugin, spotlight
This week, we profile thePharmacogenomics Knowledge Base (PharmGKB) a knowledge base professional scientists and developers at Stanford University. Dr. Michelle Whirl-Carrillo, the Associate Director of PharmGKB, kindly answered our questions. In one tweet or less,...
by ginger | Nov 12, 2014 | BioGPS, plugin, spotlight
This week, we profile Phobius an online — TM or signal peptide predictor developed by Dr. Lukas Käll at the Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Dr. Anders Krogh at the University of Copenhagen and Dr. Erik Sonnhammer from Stockholm University. Dr. Käll...