The Cure Round 2 underway

Come see a fresh new interface and a more challenging set of boards in round 2 of The Cure! Barney defeat us?  Only you can stop him!The SAGE challenge finishes in two weeks and we need you to play to show what The Cure can do!Play...

abstract for

I wrote this poster abstract up for an upcoming conference and thought it might be useful to share it here.  If it gets accepted, you can come see me (and my iPad stand) in person at USCD in September.  If not, well, you can read it here, play the games over...

Social machines at ISMB 2012

This year’s 20th annual conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) was a busy one for me and the rest of the Su Lab.  As a group of 5, we were responsible for 4 oral presentations, three posters, and the administration of one special...