BioGPS news

A record 99,729 queries were made to BioGPS this past October–just 271 queries shy of 100K! Curious about BioGPS users are studying? So are we! If you’ve published and article using/citing BioGPS, share your finding with BioGPS and have your work...

What is a hackathon?

As an organizer of the upcoming Network of Biothings Hackathon at UC San Diego, I’ve been asked by a number of people what a hackathon is exactly.  I’m repurposing one of those responses here (original posted on the San Diego iOS developers meetup...

NoB Hackathon

The Network of Biothings is aiming to alleviate the problem of too much information using a number of different approaches such as: Crowdsourcing Natural Language Processing Citizen science Microtask markets Professional biocuration Scientific publishing Open...